Want to Get Connected?

Sojourn church has many opportunities for you to get plugged into our church. Whether it's joining a small group or serving our community, there are always ways to be a part of spreading God's Kingdom. 


First Impressions

Walking in through those doors for the first time can be overwhelming. Our goal is to welcome first timers at the door and introduce them to our church. This involves explaining why we do tables, introducing them to our partners, and finding a table for them. You'll be more than just a greeter, you'll be a relationship builder.

Worship + Service

Whether it's volunteering with our worship team (vocals, instruments, etc.), or with our audio/visual team (slides, sound system, etc.) we would love to have you with us! If you are musically gifted or just tech savvy feel free to contact us. 


If you love working with children and teenagers we would love to have you as a volunteer with our Children or Youth Ministries. Whether it's preschool, children, junior high, or high school, if you feel called to help serve and teach with our students contact our Children or Youth leaders.


Family Groups

Families new and old looking to have an intergenerational intimacy between other families. 

Mens Groups

Men seeking God and guidance with the help and example of other Godly men. 

Womens Groups

Women learning together to live and love for Jesus, full of laughter and tears.

Adult Groups

Singles or couples are both welcome. If you are an adult seeking to live life in communion with other adults we would love to invite you to one of our Adult Groups.

Young Adult Groups

If you are out of high school, in college, or recently graduated we'd love to have you. Our goal is to help young adults find their foothold in the world and build a lasting community centered on Jesus.

Starting a Group

If you feel like Sojourn is missing a needed small group, and feel God calling you to start something new, we'd love to help you.