Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our Partners

Cody & Arin Rogers
Cody and Arin moved to Cambodia in 2015 to work with the Christian non-profit Asian Hope. Cody serves as the head of operations at Asian Hope International School and has been instrumental in the expansion of the organization. Arin cares for their girls as well as language studies and running a Bible study. They serve with their two daughters Lucia and Evie.
Asian Hope exists to reach Cambodia for Christ by meeting the needs of vulnerable children and their families through education. Asian Hope believes Christian education is the way to end poverty and injustice. Their vision is to provide true hope to students for today, tomorrow, and eternity by giving a quality education and sharing the Gospel daily. Asian Hope strives to reach every socioeconomic level with the Gospel daily with three school programs at 8 schools serving over 2,000 students!
Asian Hope exists to reach Cambodia for Christ by meeting the needs of vulnerable children and their families through education. Asian Hope believes Christian education is the way to end poverty and injustice. Their vision is to provide true hope to students for today, tomorrow, and eternity by giving a quality education and sharing the Gospel daily. Asian Hope strives to reach every socioeconomic level with the Gospel daily with three school programs at 8 schools serving over 2,000 students!

Pastor Alex Hanevich graduated from Tennessee Temple University in 2006. In 2015, Alex and his wife, Darby, moved to Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania and started a church in the suburbs of Philadelphia. In 2018, they launched the first weekly service on April 1. Their goal for Horizon Church is to build relationships with people far from God and introduce them to Jesus. They believe our world would be better if people lived and loved like Jesus. People don't change because of religious talks, but through authentic, open, and non-judgmental relationships.


Least of These
In addition to helping them collect needed items for distribution, we have also committed to helping them with food distribution every third Thursday of each month. We begin at 4:30pm and go until 6:30, but if you need to come later we can still use your help. It is as easy as pushing a grocery cart! If you plan to come, or have questions, please text LOT to 417-815-1975. If this is your first time volunteering, you can fill out an online volunteer form.
Project Hope
To Project H.O.P.E. locally and around the world by presenting the gospel of Jesus through relational ministry. It's beginning consisted of the directors and their wives traveling to Nicaragua. Nearly 1,000 people travel with Project H.O.P.E. each year. A full-functioning base camp, H.O.P.E. Central Nicaragua was built in 2006. The facility serves as a headquarters for the in-country staff and housing for short-term mission teams.
Sojourn Church goes on mission trips to Nicaragua every fall. If you're interested feel free to contact us and we can help get your connected.
Sojourn Church goes on mission trips to Nicaragua every fall. If you're interested feel free to contact us and we can help get your connected.

Meeting Needs
If you're interested in local missions and outreach we would love to help plug you in to serve locally.
Contact us through our MEETING NEEDS page.
Contact us through our MEETING NEEDS page.