The Bridge Mission
John 15:1-11
Abide in Jesus is to stay connected to Him.
Vine work – sharing the Gospel. Planting, watering, and tending to the vine. We’re called to connect people with Jesus – not religious programs or activities.
Promise #1.Bear much fruit.
•Following Jesus – doing what He tells us to do. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing.
Promise #2.Ask whatever you wish and it will be given.
•Not in worldly terms! When we abide in Jesus, our wants change.
Result #1.Glorify God.
•Our primary purpose is to Glorify God and live in Him forever.
Result #2.His joy in us and our joy may be full.
•Joy is when we fix our eyes on Jesus.
•Happiness fades but joy doesn’t.
How do we live this way?John 15:9-10
What does your heart love or abide in?
Are you ready and willing to bear fruit?
It all starts with abiding in Him.
•Spend time with Him – in prayer, reading his word. Pray as a church – pray without ceasing.
Command #1. Love one another as Jesus loved us.
•Being relational
oParticipating in healthy community
oBeing hospitable
o“Me” becomes “We”
oMultiply through discipleship
•Welcoming to all people
•Safe and loving environment