Love in Action (Colossians 3:12-16)
May 12, 2019 • Joe Evans
Key Point: To be the church “outside” it states with unity “inside”.
Colossians 3:12-16
1.Identity unites us. Colossians 3:12
a.Remember who you are as a believer. You are chosen, holy, loved, you have a new heart.
2.Forgiveness unites us. Colossians 3:13
a.God forgave you for your past, current and future sins.
b.Good News of the Gospel is that God’s grace covers your sins you are forgiven!
3.Being part of the church unites us. Colossians 3:15-16
a.Church is not a place to go – it’s where you belong.
b.Love in Action starts with unity.
4.Jesus unites us. Colossians 3:15-16
a.Everything is secondary to Jesus. Jesus + Nothing = Everything!
b.Jesus is the Duct tape!
Are you ready to be the church? Together we can put Love in Action!