Heroes of Faith (Joshua)
Aug 4, 2019 • David Pearson
Genesis 12:1-7 God has a plan.
Exodus 3:7-12God promised to be with Moses.
Numbers 14:5-10 The Lord is with us do not fear.
Joshua 1:1-9
1.God is faithful to His promises. Joshua 21:43-44
a.God loves you right where you are.
2.God is still with us.
a.God is still with us the same as in the beginning.
3.God gives us His word to be our guide.
a.Anything can change but Jesus!
b.God’s word should be our guide.
4.We don’t have to be frightened or lose courage.
a.When God repeats His words – pay attention!
b.Be strong and courageous!